Quick Details
Ages 13+
$ 200
Ages 6-12
$ 200
Discover Silver Springs
Our Silver Springs tour is an all-day affair as we travel through lakes, creeks, and rivers all the way to the crystal clear waters of Silver Springs. The tour will take you through Lake Dora, The Dora Canal, Lake Eustis, Haynes Creek, Lake Griffin, the Ocklawaha River and the Silver River all the way to the Spring Boils of Silver Springs. On our journey we’ll enjoy the wildlife of the Dora Canal (the most beautiful waterway in the world) then we will cross Lake Eustis to the start of Haynes Creek, which is a 5 mile-long stretch of beautiful waterway that connects Lake Eustis to Lake Griffin. Haynes Creek has a lock and dam right in the middle that lowers the waters about 8 ft. heading north.
Upon our arrival in Lake Griffin, we will head north to the beginning of the Ocklawaha River which is a magnificent river that runs from Lake Griffin all the way to the St. Johns River. Our journey down the Ocklawaha will start with the section of the river that was altered to accommodate the Cross Florida Barge Canal, which was stopped in 1972 and never completed. The Old Ocklawaha river is what Florida looked like hundreds of years ago. We will then go through another lock and dam at Moss Bluff which will drop us about 20-23 feet. About halfway down the river to the St. Johns we will turn off the Ocklawaha River and go up the Silver River. Silver River is gin-clear and takes us to the head if the Spring Boil in Silver Springs State Park. This is where the famous glass bottom boats take people on sightseeing tours of the springs. After our tour of Silver Springs we shall start our trek back retracing our journey.
Priced at $200 per person with a minimum of 3 people or $600 for 2 and enjoy a private cruise just for the two of you. Bring a cooler full of food, beverages of choice and experience a fun filled day on the waters of Central Florida!
Gift Certificates are available online or at the docks for this cruise.